My floor smells like sweaty boys and cheap cologne. They stuck a bunch of international students on my floor, just like I think the UT housing people stick all the Asians on the 5th floor of Jester West. I don't see how this is fair or intelligent, but there are two bathrooms on my floor: male and co-ed. Where is the female bathroom?!? It's weird walking out of the stall and seeing a guy right in front of you. Some guys have stopped closing the door when they pee. Note to self: listen for the sound of urine hitting porcelain and/or water before entering a stall.
I have almost mastered shaving my legs without touching the sides of the shower. I still have to touch sometimes (only my hands though!) to balance myself. We have push buttons in the shower, so the water turns off every 15 seconds. I don't know why the housing people don't trust us to turn the water off. If it's a water-efficiency concern, then they're dumb. I think most people push the button again before the water has a chance to turn off...or maybe I'm just wasteful.
The other day, I went to the ATM to withdraw some money. At the end of my transaction, the screen displayed a message that read "Do you want advice?" I said yes, even though I really had no idea what I was getting. A fortune perhaps? It turns out advice = receipt.
Look at the cool stuff I learned in my Exploring Multimedia and Internet lab about Google searching!
- Similar to the (+) sign in a search, the (-) sign tells Google to return pages that do not include the word after the minus sign. For example, "football -american" will return pages about soccer. There cannot be a space between the minus sign and the next word.
- To restrict the results to documents containing the search word in the title, use the intitle: operator. For example, to search for webpages containing the phrase "chinese recipe" in the title, type "intitle:chinese recipe" in the search box and search.
- If you want to restrict searching on a particular domain only, you can use the site: operator in your search. For example, to search for any webpage relating to admission within the HKUST domain, type "admission" and click Search.
- If you want to find the definition of some specific terms, you can use the define: operator in your search. For example, to search for the definition of diabetes, type "define:diabetes" and click Search. Try searching using both "diabetes treatment" and "diabetes ~treatment" for comparison. The ~ sign means return results also containing the synonyms of the term.
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